November 03, 2003

Long Over Due

It's about frickin' time:

Foreign visitors will face new rules

WASHINGTON — Millions of foreign visitors to the USA, already under strict scrutiny since the terrorist attacks in 2001, soon will have to be fingerprinted and photographed to get through the nation's airports and seaports.
Tuesday, the Department of Homeland Security announced plans for a high-tech system that will help track the 24 million foreigners who enter the country with work, student or travel visas each year.

Congress ordered the system after the Sept. 11 attacks, when officials learned that two of the 19 hijackers had violated the terms of their visas. The program's goal is to prevent potential terrorists from entering the country and to register foreigners who are allowed in. It also requires foreigners to check out when they leave, so officials can look for people who stay after their visas expire.

Of course the usual America haters aren't happy.

The program replaces a controversial measure that required people in the USA from 25 mostly Muslim countries to register with the government.

Asa Hutchinson, head of border security at the department, called the program a "dramatic step forward" in tightening security. But airport managers and travel industry officials are concerned it will cause delays and discourage tourism. Civil libertarians worry the data collected won't stay private.

Pity these same civil libertarians idiotartians have so little interest in the civil rights of Americans murdered by terrorists.

Posted by feste at November 3, 2003 10:01 AM | TrackBack
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