November 01, 2003

Tax & Spend Zombies

One last scary pix before November rears it's wattle, kudos to Donnie of Ain't Done It:


This quote in the same piece reeks of election year flop sweat:

At the same news conference, Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, said the strong economic growth has yet to "filter down" to many working families, and he said the jobless situation remains serious.

"Companies are hiring workers, but they're hiring workers overseas," he said."

These asshats haven't a clue and the voters know it.

Posted by feste at November 1, 2003 08:07 AM | TrackBack

Time to bring out an old joke.

Bush's treatment by the media
is so bad that one day Bush
decides to do a test of their
bias. He puts on his bathing
trunks, then walks on water
across the Potomac. The Washington
Post headlines the next day read,


Posted by: jaspar at November 1, 2003 06:03 PM
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