September 21, 2003

Kim Da Man

Kim Du Toit 'splains a few things that may not be apparant to a thoughful conservative Democrat email correspondent.

..."Let me tell you something.

If you read all the above, disagree with most of the first list, and acknowledge the facts of the second, and still vote Democrat, there's nothing I can say anymore.

I grant you, the Republicans have not covered themselves with glory in recent years, either (Ronald Reagan being the notable exception). Compared to the Democrats, however, the Stupid Party look like shining angels.

When morons like Pat Buchanan and Pat Robertson tried to hijack the Republican Party, they were shunned, and only the most paranoid loony would argue that either has any traction in the Republican Party anymore. David Duke is just a bad memory. But the Democrats continue, despite the insanity of such activity, to kowtow to insane hustlers like Al Sharpton.

Al Sharpton gets a respectful hearing when he runs for President? In what universe are Democrats living?"

"...Let me tell you one last thing. If the Republican Party had moved as far to the right as the Democrat Party has to the left, there is no way in the world that I would consider myself a Republican anything, except perhaps "opponent".

You may want to reconsider your party affiliation, because you seem to have all the right ideas about guns and concepts like self-defense, and your choice of Internet reading matter is excellent.

In fact, as a conservative Democrat, you probably have more in common with today's Republicans, unfortunately"

It is almost impossible to do justice to Kim's piece by pulling a graf or two...there are simply too many good points from which to choose.

Read it all.

Posted by feste at September 21, 2003 10:57 AM | TrackBack
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