September 20, 2003

Don't You Love The Smell Of Irony In The Morning?

This story begs the question why the Left considers the French a shining beacon of civility and freedom to be emulated and admired. One can only imagine the media outrage if a Bushie made such a statement, even in casual conversation.

France warns mosques to avoid extremism

Interior minister says he'll expel anyone preaching 'radical sermons'

Paris -- France's interior minister has threatened to close any mosque in the country that is considered extremist and expel any Muslim prayer leader who preaches a radical message.

In an interview in Le Figaro published on Thursday, the minister, Nicolas Sarkozy, also pledged to deny visas to Muslim participants in conferences who do not respect the values of the French state.

Here's the really delicious part, wherein France hoists their much touted tolerance and idealism on the petard of self-interest:

More than any other official in France's center-right government, Sarkozy has sought to set strict limits on the behavior of the country's growing Muslim community. He is determined to create an "official Islam for France" that will take France's second-largest religion out of the "cellars and garages" and demonstrate that most Muslims are mainstream, law-abiding citizens.

Ah...I see, when the New York Times disapproves, semantic Ju-Jitsu is applied transforming Chirac's government into right-wingers. Hilarious. I thought they were visionaries and giants among men...eclipsing Cowboy George with a chic sophisication and civilte.

But I digress...

In the Le Figaro interview, Sarkozy declared: "No one should expect any weakness from me. Mosques where extremist Islam is preached will be closed. Imams who give radical sermons will be expelled. And conference-goers who don't show proof of respect for republican rules will find themselves systematically denied visas to enter France."

Egads, Has John Ashcroft bolted for France? So much for Liberté

Testifying before a governmental commission on Tuesday, Francois Fillon, the minister of social affairs, said France needed a new law to keep any display of religion out of schools.

"Personally, I favor a law banning the ostentatious wearing of all religious symbols," Fillon told members of the commission. He added, "We must get rid of this ambiguity, otherwise all the barriers will disappear."

We know which schools will be forced to remove religious symbols post haste, don't we? Ambiguity? A Jewish school in a Paris suburb was burned down. A synagogue in Marseille spontaneously combusts; Jews have been physically attacked; threatening letters sent to community leaders; Stars of David scrawled on Jewish businesses, and cemeteries defaced. These acts of racism and hatred were not clear enough signals that religious fanaticism was out of control and sanctioned by government inaction? How about this video Got a clue now? Jacques? Dominique??

France finally woke up and smelled the Turkish roast. Given France's perfidy and betrayal at the UN, most Americans don't give a rat's ass if and when Paris burns...been there, done that, got the graves.

Trop petit, trop tardif, mon ami.

Posted by feste at September 20, 2003 01:12 PM | TrackBack
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