July 28, 2003

From Carlotta's List to Saint Peter's

What was it Der Bingle called Bob Hope in many of their road movies? Sweetness. I know there is an entire generation that only knows Bob Hope as an old right-wing fart. Hope's monologs were often sharp, but never pointedly partisan or mean...he mocked Washington's failings...whomever was in power caught the barb.

Those of us who have reached a certain age remember a different Bob Hope....the fast-talking, wise-cracking, back-tracking hustler.. the vaudville tap dancing, singing buffoon...a pretty girl's naive dupe... Second Banana extraordinaire.

Most of Hope's solo films were parodies "The Big Broadcast of 1938" sent up his radio career and provided his theme song "Thanks for the Memories". Many took on of the genre or directors of the day. "My Favorite Blond" poked gentle fun at Hitchcock. "My Favorite Brunette" lampooned the noir hard-boiled detective popularized by Raymond Chandler..."My Favorite Spy" mocked Casablanca.

Hope and Crosby honed the buddy comedy to low-brow art with the Road series...their infamous politically incorrect "Patty Cake" routine became a running gag in the series...it's still funny...because the audience is in on it...from opening con to resolution.

Hope's delightfully inane, scheming, guiless Ace Lannigan, Fearless Frazier, Turkey Jackson and Hot Lips Barton continue to influence comedy. Woody Allen admits he's been doing Hope most of his career and Johnny Carson credited Oscar hosting schtick to Hope.

But most of all we remember this Bob Hope:

USO Show Germany 1945

....and this one.

Bob Hope cracks jokes to an audience of thousands of GI's massed in an open-air theater in Cu Chi, 20 miles northeast of Saigon during a 1969 Christmas tour of Vietnam. (A.P. file photo)

Put it there Pal.

UPDATE: Memories from Lt. Smash...via Dean.

Posted by feste at July 28, 2003 11:23 AM | TrackBack

A great tribute! :-)

Posted by: Kiril at August 4, 2003 11:49 PM
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