July 28, 2003

Why the Left is wrong, again

Sol Stern's editorial in City Journal "Israel Without Apology" is a must read for anyone not clear on the concept that the Left is full of shi'ite.

Three decades ago, I was a Berkeley New Leftist with a political and personal problem. I had been born in Israel, and, though I didn’t consider myself a Zionist, I certainly didn’t want to see the Jewish state disappear. Yet my comrades on the Left were starting on a long march whose ultimate objective was to demonize Israel and turn it into a pariah among the nations. At Bay Area meetings, I heard Israel denounced as an imperialist aggressor that had “ripped off” the land from the native population and had aligned itself with the most reactionary forces in the world. The Arabs, on the other hand, were the truly victimized, the wretched of the earth, right up there in the pantheon of our movement’s other heroes, the Cubans and the Vietnamese.

Thanks to Pejman for another excellent find... best wishes and prayers to his family.

Posted by feste at July 28, 2003 01:24 AM | TrackBack
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