October 23, 2004

Dude, Where's My Peugeot?

Arthur Chrenkoff has a excellent piece on Kerry's "new alliance"

John Kerry's "real allies" in action:

"Europe would line up behind a Kerry administration's fresh approach to 'winning the peace' in Iraq with diplomatic support, but not troops, say officials and policy analysts."

Which is a huge relief, because as we all know, the simmering insurgency and the slow pace of reconstruction can be blamed in large part for the shortage of diplomats on the ground in Iraq.

"Diplomats on the ground" aka "targets of opportunity", does anyone not sipping Kerry Koolaid believe that the French would remain in Iraq after the first car bombing or kidnapping of a diplomat ?

I rather like the imagery in Chernkoff's closing graf:

The Europeans are like teenage children of a divorce, who prefer to spend time with their Democrat mother rather than a strict Republican dad, not because they like the mother more (dude, parents they like, suck, or what?) but because she won't force them to take out the trash and clean the dishes. No wonder the father is increasingly thinking that his 59 year old teenager should finally move out of home and start supporting himself.


Posted by feste at October 23, 2004 11:04 AM | TrackBack
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