September 24, 2004

Must Read

Charles Krauthammer's column in the WaPo The Art Of Losing Friends makes a point that many of us have been saying for months, the Dems are undermining our allies and strengthening our enemies.

Of all our allies in the world, which is the only one to have joined the United States in the foxhole in every war in the past 100 years? Not Britain, not Canada, certainly not France. The answer is Australia.

So how are the Dems repaying Howard's leap of faith and Aussie sacrifice and loyality?

Australian Prime Minister John Howard has taken great risks and much political heat for his support of America. There is a national election in Australia on Oct. 9, and the race is neck and neck between Howard and Labor Party leader Mark Latham. Latham has pledged to withdraw from Iraq.

This is a critical election not only for Australia but also for the United States. Think of the effect on America, its front-line soldiers and its coalition partners if one of its closest allies turns tail and runs. The terrorists' objective is to intimidate all countries allied with America. Make them bleed and tell them this is the price they pay for being a U.S. ally. The implication is obvious: Abandon America and buy your safety.

That is what the terrorists are saying. Why is the Kerry campaign saying the same thing? "John Kerry's campaign has warned Australians that the Howard Government's support for the US in Iraq has made them a bigger target for international terrorists." So reports the Weekend Australian (Sept. 18).

Probably to be expected as the anti-war left becomes more desperate and reckless, but here's the kicker:

This Kerry spokesman, undermining a key ally on the eve of a critical election, is no rogue political operative. She is the head of Americans Overseas for Kerry -- Diana Kerry, sister to John.

It is simply astonishing that the Kerry camp would condone, let alone run a scorched earth strategy to peel off members of the coalition when we are at war. How can this possibly help him if he wins?

Hillary must be laughing her ample arse off.

UPDATE: Touché

There you have it, a preview of John Kerry’s diplomacy: for short-term domestic political gain, he will deride and insult anyone. He learned his French well, mais oui?

Posted by feste at September 24, 2004 11:22 AM | TrackBack
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