September 13, 2004

Um...he did.

"George W. Bush's campaign literature claimed that he 'served in the U.S. Air Force.' The only problem? He didn't," slams a new DNC press release.

"George Bush has a clear pattern of lying about his military service," DNC Communications Director Jano Cabrera blasts in the new release. "From 1978 to the present day, George Bush has refused to tell voters the truth about his service. It's time for the President to come clean."

"Flyers distributed to Texas voters during Bush's failed Congressional race say 'he served in the U.S. Air Force and the Texas Air National Guard.' But according to Air Force officials, Air National Guardsmen are not counted as members of the active-duty Air Force."

A form obtained by DRUDGE on Monday shows Bush was active duty Air Force, albeit for 120 days.

As the Drudgester sez: Developing... and not exactly in the direction the DNC planned.

Posted by feste at September 13, 2004 04:29 PM | TrackBack
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