September 03, 2004

Don't Be Cruel

Susan Estrich has finally flipped out.

"The trouble with Democrats, traditionally, is that we're not mean enough."

Is she kidding?

Here's an astute observation from Powerline why so many Dem panties are in a bunch today.

By my count, of the five non-candidate featured convention speakers, the Republicans produced four stars (McCain, Rudy, Arnold, and the First Lady) and one curiosity with star qualities (Zell). Plus they produced a president and vice president.

As I recall, the Democrats produced one rising star (Obama), two has-beens (Carter and Gore), one star/has been (Clinton), one fallen star/has-been/curiosity (Dean), and two curiosities (Kerry's wife and Reagan's son). Plus they produced two Senators.

However, I'll kick it up a notch.

No Susan, the reason your party is losing it's grip on the political process is that it has little more than victimhood, dependency, class warfare, anger and envy to bring to the table. Look at your party's elder statesmen, they are not exactly a shining example of trustworthiness and honor. An ex-Grand Kegeale, a sodden Senator responsible for a DUI death, a former First Lady who parlayed enabling into a senate seat, a DNC chairman who ripped off shareholders, an obsessed, self-pitying failed presidential candidate, a failed ex-president who never met a dictator he didn't admire, a self-absorbed ex-president who served his own interests before the people, and a calculating phony in spandex and an ambulance chaser.

Add that the Dems have been on the wrong side of geo-political history for the past thirty years and that's why you're losing....oh and the whining about fairness whenever your weaknesses are exposed doesn't help either.

This independent voter would sooner drink sewer water than vote for another loser in the Democrat Pathenon of Pusillanimous Pipsqueaks.

(Via Instapundit, who should consider buying stock in the acid indigestion remedy industry)

Posted by feste at September 3, 2004 05:40 PM | TrackBack
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