September 02, 2004

The Custer Factor

Hugh Hewitt comments on OODa loops, CKO and the Kerry campaign.

They are "inside the Kerry campaign's OODA loop," and the result is paralysis and recrimination within Kerry's staff.

The new media is network concentric, open-source; the old media territorial, compartmentalized. The growing frustration and anger of the left-oriented blogosphere reflects the Kerry campaign's inability to understand Coherent Knowledge-based Operations (CKO). Of course Kerry doesn't get the concept, he's spent his entire career in the public sector which is the antithesis of a KO. Kerry's rhetoric proves he is out of the international OODA loop. France is not, as the Bushies and Brits quickly realized after 9/11.

The Dems are circling the wagons just as they've always done, attacking Miller with the old media, polling, photo-oping, reacting, effectively shooting inside their own circle.

The next two months will be interesting.

Posted by feste at September 2, 2004 05:27 PM | TrackBack
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