July 13, 2004

Out of His Weight Class

It never ceases to amaze me that children of accomplished parents assume those accomplisments are inherited, which explains the loss of so many family fortunes.

Ron Reagan, Jr., will deliver a prime time keynote speech at the Dem convention on stem cell research. Ron Jr. has also has been picked up as a "political analyst" by MSNBC, to provide commentary during the conventions. Given that his most recent broadcasting credits are as color announcer on the professional dog show curcuit, and his spiteful eulogy at his father's interment ceremony, this seems little a little transparent, even for MSNBC.

After publication in the New York Times Magazine of Ron Jr.'s interview with Deborah Solomon, William F. Buckley wrote the son with a point-by-point response. Robert Novak recently published a bit of this exchange. Ron refuses to publish his response to Buckley, which as the final Buckley quote demonstrates, is a wise choice.

RR Jr.: His father ''worked hard to impress upon his children the value of kindness.''

WFB: ''If he did, he was manifestly unsuccessful.''

According to Novak, "Those who know Nancy Reagan say she fully agrees with her old friend."

Posted by Zozo at July 13, 2004 03:09 PM | TrackBack
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