June 24, 2004

Operation AC

This is so cool, literally.

Operation AC


A non-profit Delaware company operating on donations only, sends window air conditioning units as well as various basic items the soldiers request and desperately need.

"It is my hope that we make their existence in Iraq during their deployment as safe and as easy on them as possible given the job they are there to do. Rested Soldiers are more alert and able to perform their duty SAFELY!"

--Frankie Mayo, mother of a deployed serviceman who began and operates OpAC as a non-profit to provide comforts to the troops in the field. Given that Iraq's temp is 112 degrees today and will soon appraoch 140 during the day AC is not a luxury. From June 2003 to June 2004 Operation AC sent a total of 3,009 air conditioners to our troops in Iraq.

Get the ole credit card out one more time folks...give whatever you can spare....it's the least we can do sitting in our air conditioned home or office safe from splodydopes.

Go here to read letters and cards from the troops to Frankie/Operation AC.

A sidebar from the website that may provide a chuckle or two.

Saddam enjoying the benfits of Operation AC "This photo was sent to me (Frankie) by an anonymous soldier who thought that I would really like the fact that behind Saddam's head is an air conditioner in the window."

You know what to do.

Posted by feste at June 24, 2004 11:26 AM | TrackBack


Posted by: Laymon, Cliff C. III at August 19, 2004 07:34 PM
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