May 14, 2004


Another anti-war miscreant slithers out from under his hate-America rock.

Via Citizen Smash:

AN ALERT READER points me to a brand new website put up by someone in the Anti-War movement, called "America’s Dumbest Soldiers.” It shows photos of Coalition soldiers who have been killed in the Iraq conflict, describes how they died, and allows you to vote on them. I’m guessing that we’re meant to vote on who had the “dumbest death."

Is this supposed to be funny?

I saw the name of Army Captain Russell B. Rippetoe, a Ranger who was awarded two Bronze Stars for valor, and was the first soldier killed in Iraq to be buried in Arlington National Cemetery.

On April 3, 2003, CPT Rippetoe was was manning a nighttime checkpoint near Hadithah Dam in western Iraq when a car approached carrying Iraqi civilians. A pregnant woman got out and ran screaming from the car. Rippetoe stepped toward her, the car exploded, and he and two other soldiers were killed, victims of a terrorist ruse.

The site provides an email address, perhaps the author might like an American opinion or two regarding his taste in humor?

(Note: Due to possible legal issues and my complete lack of forethought, the posting has been archived offline at The Command Post and I've removed the RIPE info.)

Posted by feste at May 14, 2004 11:45 AM | TrackBack
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