May 07, 2004

Congressman Goes Off Meds?

This story will make the Dems position on our military very clear: they loath them.

A listener wrote a letter to Congressman Pete Stark, D-Fremont:

Pete Stark
House of Representatives
239 Cannon HOB
Washington D.C. 20515

Dear Mr. Stark,

I am appalled that you voted against today's House Resolution 627, Roll Number 150. This measure would have shown publicly that you condemn the abuse of the prisoners in Iraq while simultaneously commend the service of the fine men and women who are serving in Iraq that bring honor to the uniform that they wear and to the Nation that they serve.

There are many Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airmen and Coastguardmen from your 13th Congressional District who are serving with pride and distinction . These men and women bring great credit upon their hometowns and the State of California.

Your "NO" vote is an indication that you do not support the troops who selflessly serve our nation and in many cases have given the ultimate sacrifice so that you might have the freedom that you enjoy as a citizen of this great Nation. Further, your "NO" vote on this resolution is a disgrace to the people of this district who have elected you.

I urge you to stop your contemptuous display of bitter partisanship and your politicization of this War. Your actions are very divisive and destructive to the morale of our troops and the morale of our nation. I know that a majority of the population of the 13th Congressional District are very strong in their support of our soldiers and in their support of the War in iraq. Your "NO" vote today reflects that you are way out of touch with the people of this district.

Very Sincerely,

Daniel L. Dow

Click here to listen to Congressman Stark's response. You will be shocked. Maybe not.

(Hat tip to the KSFO Morning Show)

Cross posted to The Command Post Op-Ed page.

Posted by feste at May 7, 2004 08:39 AM | TrackBack

Good ol' Nuremberg defense.

"They were just following orders! They didn't know what they were doing!"

The ad hominem crap at the beginning was just sad.

Posted by: CD at May 7, 2004 07:14 PM
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