May 05, 2004

UN Shows True Colors

Baldilocks is steamed, I was too when I heard the news:

What international law amounts to:

Sudan won an uncontested election Tuesday to the United Nations' main human rights watchdog, prompting the United States to walk out because of alleged ethnic cleansing in the country's Darfur region.

Millions of non-Muslim black Africans “ethnically cleansed” by the Muslim Sudanese in power in that land and this is their earthly reward?

Sudan's envoy immediately shot back that the U.S. delegation was "shedding crocodile tears," and he accused the United States of turning a blind eye as Iraqi prisoners were mistreated and civilians were harmed in battle.

Welcome to the world of moral equivalence, in which, abuse of a few prisoners by a few members of a vast military and the genocide of millions amount to the same thing.

Americans should be outraged. Read the rest and links in the comments will lead you to material that will make your gorge rise as well as offer an opportunity to add your voice to the protest.

Posted by feste at May 5, 2004 10:04 PM | TrackBack
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