April 23, 2004

Marx Would Be So Proud

How appropriate.

May 1 marks unification of Europe

Next week, on the first day of May, champagne corks will pop in the European Union (news - web sites)'s Brussels headquarters and flowery speeches will flow in two dozen other European capitals.

This is the day the two halves of Europe--East and West, old and new, rich and poor--become whole. It is the day the EU will welcome 10 new members, eight of them from the former communist bloc, and thus bury the unhappy and artificial division that defined the Cold War for nearly half a century.

This graph really made my hackles rise as the article was written by the Chicago Tribune in their very best Euro ass-kissing tone.

The initial exuberance that followed the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 has given way to rancorous haggling over the size of subsidies to be offered to Polish farmers and whether Latvians will be allowed to look for work in London.

How fortunate that the wall spontaneously fell.

It's time for the US to bug out and leave Europe to their own devices. I personally, no longer give a damn.

Posted by feste at April 23, 2004 01:41 PM | TrackBack
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