April 03, 2004


One can understand the national perception that the SF Bay Area is a loony bin of anti-war, tree-hugging, America-last moonbat liberals, especially after the preceeding post, but that is far from the real picture.

The greater Bay Area is a melange of *spit* diverse *spit* communties as varied as the weather micro-climates they enjoy. The joke is "Don't like the weather? drive 20 minutes in any direction and it changes entirely" Politics is pretty much the same. Don't like Dem-hard Left? Drive in any direction and you'll find people rolling out the World's largest American flag, supporting military museums attending Fleet Week in record numbers and honoring those who serve our country in uniform.

This is a nice story:

Welcome Home soldier.

Army Pvt. Jacob Brown's leg was mangled, his wrist mashed and his spleen crushed.

And Brown is one lucky young man.

That's because he is still alive, he has a lovely new wife and he's from Danville. Brown, 22, returned home three weeks ago to a city that has helped him find a job and a home filled with new furniture. If city leaders have their way, every Danville veteran will enjoy the same homecoming through what is believed to be the first program of its kind in the nation.

Posted by feste at April 3, 2004 03:06 PM | TrackBack

nice to know there're still some hope left for cali.

Posted by: samkit at April 4, 2004 12:47 AM
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