April 01, 2004

Early News-Opinion Roundup

Having a late lunch...watching The Fox All-Stars ...Brit Hume asked Mort Kondracke how we should handle the Fallujah insurgents.

Kondracke replied that he would take a page from Kerry's playbook, approach it as a police action, gather intel, plan a response and then he'd do what George Bush would do, "Go in and kill the bastards."

Kondrake flashed a sardonic grin he pulls off so well as Jeff Birnbaum twitched and you could see Birnbaum wondering if he heard Kondracke correctly. This sort of against-type commentary is what makes the All-Stars entertaining...Barnes and Birnbaum are predictable, rehashing the daily talking points... but you never know what the hell Kondracke or Krauthammer will say.

Chris Matthews grinds on with his Clarke fest trapping Joe Biden in an incoherent web of Biden's own making. Nothing new here folks, so we'll move along.

This item found at the Media Research Center boggles even this jaded news junky's mind:

Apologize to “Prophetic” French?

Posted by feste at April 1, 2004 04:20 PM | TrackBack

I got a better Idea. Why not restart the bombing canpaign that was so rudely interupted by the end of WW2? The Germans killed about 50,000 Cheese eating surrender monkeys in WW2, the US killed almost 500,000. Why not give the germans a chance to even the score? With any luck, they will tie us and we can go into overtime. It still won't make up for he hand ball at the world cup, but it might help. Wasn't that a Frence referee that missed that call?

Posted by: ableiter at April 1, 2004 11:39 PM

You are replying in kind, yes?

Posted by: feste at April 2, 2004 07:19 AM
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