March 18, 2004

Maybe Not

After reading and dismissing this story on several wire sources...Bill Quick's link pointed out that Spanish troop replacements are being deployed to Iraq before Zapatero takes office...then it hit me...the perfect Kerry anti-Iraq ad. (sorry my Flash skills are not up to the'll have to imagine it)

Fade in> The UN...edits of John Kerry forcefully outlining his plans to hand over Iraq to the UN.

Quick montage follows>A spirited Q & A exchange between Kerry and Bush coalition, edited to reflect the Senator's position.

Cut to/Close-up>The Spanish Ambassador (Aznar's appointee) challenges Kerry's assumptions about Coalition troop withdrawal.

Close-up>Kerry frowns, leans into to the micophone and asks the Spanish ambassador in a bellicose tone:

"Sir, how can you ask a Spanish soldier to be the last to die for a failed war?"

Fade out.

It could happen....and that's the really scary part.

Posted by feste at March 18, 2004 11:58 AM | TrackBack
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