March 05, 2004

Not A Good Thing!

Whoa! Guilty!

Martha Stewart set to offer K-Mart a new line of linens.

Bernie Ebbers will be next.

Posted by feste at March 5, 2004 12:04 PM | TrackBack

That toon was funny, but I still
feel sad for Stewartski.


Posted by: jaspar at March 5, 2004 04:46 PM

Yeah, I do too...part of the reasoning behind prosecuting her had to be her high profile. If you or I had been caught they would have pled it out and accepted a fine. Of course she was exceedly stupid to talk to the Feds without her attorney. Bad idea, lesson numero uno from this trial is: lawyer up.

One of the MSNBC talking heads made a remark yesterday that struck me as true...they caught a small fish and missed the whales.

I also wonder if the fact that she is a loyal Clinton supporter and donor didn't figure into it at some level in the NY political hierarchy...a little payback.

Wonder if Clinton will donate to her legal expenses. *G*

Posted by: feste at March 6, 2004 09:00 AM
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