February 11, 2004

Ah Shi'ite

Allah took a link dump yesterday, and this one floated.

Muslim terror groups stepping up activities in Latin America

Muslim terror groups, including Hamas and Hezbollah, have recently stepped up their efforts to consolidate their power in distant areas of Latin America, particularly in the triangle of borders of Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay, say Israeli and American security sources.

It's only a matter of time. Thirty years ago a friend fell into the deep end of the pacifist pool, quit the law firm, kissed the wife and kids goodbye for a year and joined Greenpeace, roaming the world on the Rainbow Warrior. He was very concerned about the rising tide of anti-Americanism in Latin America, fueled by what he saw as predatory corporate practises and interference in their governance.

We would tease him about his crazed conviction that the "end was neigh", nuclear prolifteration kill charts, rebel recruitment tracts and general gloomly ranting. Undetered, he would reply "You don't get it do you? Our government's focus is mano-a-mano with the USSR, the nuke that takes out LA or NY will be delivered on the back of a donkey, not an ICBM."

He was convinced that eventually a zealot/terrorist recuited from one of Latin America's rebel groups, would cross the southern border with a suitcase nuke. We lost touch, but I think I owe him an apology.

Posted by feste at February 11, 2004 08:46 AM | TrackBack

You've been Bestiary-ed.

Posted by: The Commissar at February 11, 2004 08:55 PM
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