October 17, 2003

Another Pointless UN Resolution

Something about this story gives my wallet the puckers.

U.N. OKs U.S. plan for Iraq in 15-0 vote

Bush team wins long-sought council victory

The 15-0 vote came as a surprise because France, Germany and Russia had vehemently opposed the resolution, seeking a firm timetable for the transition to full Iraqi sovereignty. But their opposition melted in last-minute negotiations after American diplomats offered several minor concessions. Even Syria, the only Arab nation on the Security Council at the moment, and a vocal opponent of the American-led invasion in March, went along in the end.

Last-minute negotiations=US taxpayers money...what else is there to negotiate but price?

The "uh-oh" graf:

But Russia began edging toward the U.S. position, and talks between Washington and Moscow produced a last-minute set of changes to the text. The amendments give Annan greater scope to participate in drafting a new Iraqi constitution and the political transition, and they state for the first time that the mandate of U.S.-led troops will expire when an Iraqi government is elected.

Can you spell Foggy Bottom C-A-V-E? Thought you could.

Posted by feste at October 17, 2003 09:06 AM | TrackBack
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