October 01, 2003

Dem Racism Exposed

This weeks COTV has sooo much to read, enjoy and consider. Where does one start? Being a Californian the recall election and peripheral issues seems a natural jumping off point.

Bryon Scott, of Slings and Arrows, asks: are the Democrats promoting a new form of slavery in California?

"We need immigrants", Davis said. "We need immigrants", Bustamante agrees. We need them to work our fields. We need them to sew our clothes. We need them to clean our homes and wash our cars and do all the things we do not want to do. And as long as they are here illegally, we can pay them less than minimum wage. Far less. Almost nothing, even. Let's encourage that.

Read it all and ask yourself is this really the right thing to do?

I believe we are economically enslaving illegals workers and even worse allowing the Mexican Government and Euro-Hispanic ruling elites to continue a policy of colonialism and racism against the predominately Indian peoples in the poverty ridden countryside.

Ask yourself, would we be allowing this sort of exploitation if the illegals were Irish?

Posted by feste at October 1, 2003 11:33 AM | TrackBack
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