September 04, 2003

Silly Season Continues

Bad hair day in Walnut Creek blamed on politics
Debate snarls traffic, shutters bars, beauty shops

Now this is does not mess with the gentle ladies of Contra Costa County. One can just image the angst when tennis was played with less than perfect manicures or lunch enjoined without a blow out.

Jeebus....this is the best one can say about the "debate"... it was pure made-for-TV-by-flacks drivel. Anyone making a decision from this dog & pony show shouldn't be allowed outside without a minder, let alone vote.

This graf is a little disturbing given the times in which we live:

Outside, milling on the corner in front of the auditorium, were several of the lesser-known recall candidates, including a clown in blue hair and a bounty hunter in a black hat. Nearby were dozens of cops from Walnut Creek and surrounding towns, many of them on overtime. There were so many cops that a sergeant did not know exactly how many.

"More than 70," he said. "Less than 100, I think. Not really sure."

Hmmm...either he was reluctant to discuss security or overwhelmed...the latter thought is not comforting given WC's proximity to the Lawence Livermore Labs and the Concord Naval Weapons Station.

Posted by feste at September 4, 2003 11:52 AM | TrackBack
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