August 29, 2003


This is so wrongheaded that it takes one's breath away.

Schwarzenegger Slammed by Hispanic Group for Supporting English As Official U.S. Language

Before Schwarzenegger arrived in the state's farm belt, the nation's oldest Hispanic civil rights group called on him to step down from the advisory board of U.S. English, a group that seeks to make English the official language of the United States.

The group criticizing Schwarzenegger, the League of United Latin American Citizens, said the Austrian-born actor's advisory board position brings into question his commitment to Hispanics.

It just seems like all the issues that we support he doesn't," said Gabriela Lemus, the league's director of policy and legislation.

Meanwhile, LULAC's Lemus said Schwarzenegger's membership on the board of U.S. English "does not bode well for Hispanics."

"So many of us support bilingualism and bilingual education and maintaining our culture and he's essentially saying it's not valid by being part of this board that has got this whole anti-immigrant, underlying racist mentality," Lemus said.

What are these fucktards thinking? What are they protecting? The right to toil in dead-end menial jobs or to live in substandard housing? The right to continue the cycle of poverty? Notice that the reporter doesn't bother to ennumerate or clarify "all the issues" that Schwarzenegger doesn't support.

Bilingual education was a failed concept that held back non-English speaking students and since mainstreaming became law they are now assimulating quickly where children in the former bilingual system were not fluent after five years of bilingual education.

On the other hand Cruz Bustamante has a dandy idea to insure that California has a gas shortage that will make Davis's power botch look like amateur hour.

Bustamante began the day's campaigning with an appearance at a Sacramento gas station in which he called for amending the state constitution to bring big oil companies under state regulatory control.

"Californians are being gouged, and under current law we are powerless to do anything about it," he said, reminding voters they will be paying the highest gas prices in the nation this weekend.

Where hell was Cruz last summer and last past dozen summers when Bay Area gas prices soared? We've been paying the highest gas prices in the country for a decade or more. Why? because we haven't built more refinery capacity while the population tripled. Good away another industry/employer.

Hat tip to Misha

Posted by feste at August 29, 2003 06:01 PM | TrackBack

Yawl hear that caller on
Rush Limbo what said, "We
should call him PUSHAMANTE,
cuz we're all gonna be pushing
our cars if Karlos runs the
oil companies."


Posted by: jaspar at August 30, 2003 04:20 PM
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