May 17, 2003

I'm torn

The Clintons are back.

Sidney Blumenthal -- much-hated former Clinton aide, ethically challenged former journalist -- $850,000 advance in hand, has a new book out on May 20, attacking everyone who ever attacked him or the Clintons, rehearsing once again the old right-wing conspiracy, every attack on them, answered. The right wing conspiracy revived, answered, again.

Hillary's book is next.

Could someone please tell these people to shut up?

Even Uber Dem strategist Susan Estrich is weary of the Clinton's sucking the oxygen from the political arena. However the more the Clintonistas speak, the deeper the hole they dig for the Nine Dwarves and themselves.

Speaking of Grumpy, Sleepy and Happy, et al...did you notice that Sleazy has been dropped by Disney four days after his announcement?

heh. Maybe Wimmer has a spare seat on the Berlin flight.

Posted by feste at May 17, 2003 10:32 AM | TrackBack

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.


Posted by: jaspar at May 17, 2003 05:07 PM
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