March 24, 2003

Baghdad By The Bay

More arrests in another day of anti-war protests in SF

SFSU protesters couldn't find any Jewish women to shove around today so they turned their attention to the war in Iraq.

At San Francisco State, a past hotbed of confrontations over the Middle East, about 100 students clogged the ground floor of the administration building for several hours, demanding to meet with the dean.

They urged university administrators to pass a resolution opposing the U.S. war against Iraq, and a group called Students Against War passed out flyers and urged their peers to walk out of classes."

The next graf contains a racist lie and the Chron's editorial staff know it:

"A rally last spring at San Francisco State degenerated into a volatile, profanity-laced shouting match between pro-Israeli and pro-Palestinian groups before campus police intervened. University president Robert Corrigan sought Monday to avoid a repeat of that situation. "

Meryl Yourish has the links from the above ""shouting match" AKA a campaign of hatred and intolerance against Jews at SFSU...go and read for yourself.

"San Francisco State remains ... committed to values that have seen us through difficult times -- free speech, mutual respect and mutual respect even in disagreement," Corrigan told about 300 people attending a campus rally. "The practice of peace on campus is a contribution to peace in the world."

Yeah, right.

Posted by feste at March 24, 2003 09:28 PM
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